AKHIRNYA TERUNGKAP & TERJAWAB! Setelah 2 tahun berlalu, misteri kematian Paul Walker akhirnya terbongkar juga

AKHIRNYA TERUNGKAP & TERJAWAB! Setelah 2 tahun berlalu, misteri kematian Paul Walker akhirnya terbongkar juga
Sobat pasti sudah menyimak berita atau pernah membaca tentang aktor yang membintangi film Fast and Farius dengan tragedi kecelakaan yang menimpa kaktor tersebut dong? Setelah kejadian itu muncul beberapa rumor yang beredar tentang tewasnya Paul Walker. Berikut salah satu salah satunya.
Menurut Tila Tequila : Paul Walker Tewas Dibunuh ILLUMINATI. Artis seksi Tila Tequila memberikan pernyataan yang mengejutkan tentang kematian Paul Walker melalui blog pribadinya. Tila menyebutkan jika kecelakaan maut yang dialami Paul Walker bukanlah sebuah kecelakaan melainkan pembunuhan dengan dalih pengorbanan 'ritualistic murder' atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Illuminati.
Masih belum diketahui apa alasan Tila menulis pernyataan mengejutkan ini. Namun, dirinya mengklaim mengetahui kejadian sebenarnya sampai pada akhirnya Paul dinyatakan meninggal. Model Amerika kelahiran Singapura ini juga membandingkan kematian seorang wanita bernama Elisa Lam dengan Paul Walker.
"Aku sudah mengetahuinya sejak pertama kali aku melihat videonya, aku terus menutup mulutku karena ada banyak pertimbangan mengenai hal itu. Aku tidak ingin menarik banyak perhatian, tapi aku benar-benar tahu mengapa mereka melakukannya dan ya kejadian itu memang sebuah tumbal, seperti kasus Paul Walker," tulis wanita bernama asli Tila Nguyen ini di blognya, seperti yang dikutip dari NationalPost.
Pernyataan ini menimbulkan sejumlah konspirasi, banyak orang resah dengan pernyataan wanita ini. Sebelumnya, Tila pernah membuat heboh dengan pernyataannya tentang Adolf Hitler. Dirinya mengungkapkan jika Hitler sebenarnya memperjuangkan kehidupan rakyat jelata, namun sebagai 'monster' setelah kematiannya.
Nah Benar atau tidaknya tentang camput tangan iluminati terhadap twasnya Paul Walker tersebut klik saja http://infopendidikan-pendidik.blogspot.com yang berjudul gereja setan di indonesia dan silahkan baca juga beberapa artis yang mengaku menjual jiwanya kepada setan di blog ini.

BREAKING NEWS... Dari Berita Telegraph
Lawyers for Porsche have said actor Paul Walker was responsible for his own death in a crash of a Porsche sports car, in response to a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Walker's daughter, court documents showed.
Cranbrook Partners, representing Porsche AG and other defendants, said in papers filed last week in Los Angeles Superior Court that Walker's death was the result of his "own comparative fault".
In November 2013 Walker was a passenger in a 2005 Porsche Carrera GT driven by Roger Rodas when the vehicle crashed into trees and a pole in Santa Clarita, northwest of Los Angeles, killing both men.
After a four-month investigation, Los Angeles officials said the crash had been caused by excessive speed and not mechanical failure.
Meadow Walker, the actor's only child and sole heir, filed a complaint in September accusing Porsche of skimping on safety features for the vehicle, which could have prevented the crash or at least kept the actor alive. Her lawsuit requested a jury trial.
Lawyers for Porsche said Walker had "knowingly and voluntarily assumed all risk, perils and danger" of the 2005 Carrera GT, and that the car, owned by Rodas, had been "abused and altered," and "was misused and improperly maintained."
"That abuse and alteration proximately caused or contributed to the incident and to Mr Walker's death," Cranbrook said.
Meadow Walker's attorney Jeff Milam said on Tuesday that Porsche was "trying to deflect its own responsibility by blaming the victim."
"Paul was the passenger in a car that was not designed to protect its occupants. While the speed may have been unlawful, it was well below the vehicle's advertised capabilities," Milam said in a statement.
He added that Paul Walker survived the impact of the crash, but "burned to death because of Porsche's defective design."
Earlier this year, lawyers for Porsche said Rodas, the driver of the vehicle, was to blame for the crash after Rodas' widow filed a lawsuit against the automaker alleging negligence and wrongful death, among other claims.
Walker's death led to a temporary halt in production of "Furious 7," an action movie in the "Fast & Furious" franchise about illegal streetcar racing.
The film was released this year after Walker's brothers helped finish his scenes.

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